Song of the day;;
→ Crown The Empire - The Fallout
I felt my heart rate begin to
Choke out the fucking noise like I was cursed
It felt like storms were directly overhead
And where I went it poured
And in a flash came the flood
That washed over my eyes
Now I could see inside the room of the blind
I lost myself inside
And as I fell into the black I left my past to die
Tonight, we'll sail to the edge of the world
And watch the stars fall down
You'll put your head in my arms as we wonder
Is there anything we could've done?
Why not try starting revolution?
And in the morning find a new sunrise
Tonight, we'll sail to the edge of the world
And watch the stars fall down
As our world ignites
What will we do? Will we just sit back and watch?
I'm sick of apathy dictating how I think and how I talk
I'd like to know as I lay down to die
I still control the way I think, before they make up my mind
As I gaze up towards the sky
I feel lost in the world of the blinding lights
We all hope to reach these heights
But we're all so afraid of the fall
No one will take the fall
We're all so comfortable with living in our sheltered homes
No one will take the fall
But if we try, we could all change the world
Tonight, we'll sail to the edge of the world
And watch the stars fall down
You'll put your head in my arms as we wonder
Is there anything we could've done?
Why not try starting revolution?
And in the morning find a new sunrise
Tonight, we'll sail to the edge of the world
And watch the stars fall down
As our world ignites
We are gathered here today as brothers and sisters
Not bound by fate
But by the understanding that our survival
Lies only in harmony
We have only one life to live
And then we're cast into the night
Will you carry the torch and be the keeper of the light?
Or will you let darkness fall?
Or will you let darkness fall?
Tonight we'll sail to the edge of the world
Tonight we'll sail to the edge of the world
Tonight, we'll sail to the edge of the world
And watch the stars fall down
You'll put your head in my arms as we wonder
Is there anything?
Is there anything?
Sain vihdoin ja viimein pyykättyä tänään. En tiiä mikä siinä on että se ahistaa niin helvetisti. Varmaan se, kun pitää mennä tonne toiseen rakennukseen ja eihän ahistus toimi mitenkään loogisesti. Huomenna pitää tiskata ja torstaina käydä kaupassa. Kävin eilen apteekissa, pelkäsin etukäteen sitäkin käyntiä ihan saatanasti että jos ne ei usko etten uskalla käyttää sitä yhtä Lantusta kun se on sitä samaa erää ko se mistä jouduin sairaalaan, mutta ei siellä mitään sen enempää kyselty kun sanoin, sano vaan että jätä ne ampullit sinne mihin lääkejäte mikälie onkaan jätetään ja sillä selvä. Tänään on muuten kans tammikuun vika päivä. Aika kuluu niin nopiasti että pelottaa.
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