In the morning

 Song of the day;;

→ Crown The Empire - Machines

We hold onto the lies to feel free

So shackled by smiles, so empty

We're scared of the war so we've forgotten who we are

We've traded in hope for safety

We're raised in the smoke

Insisting that we're all too tired for light the fire and shake the earth

But if all we are is just machines

Let's become a miracle and break free from these chains

We must be more than just machines

So let them hear our hearts

So let them hear our hearts

So let them hear our hearts

So let them hear our hearts


Where will you run, when there's no place left for you to hide?

When you're faced with the flood

Will you stand for the future and swallow your pride?

Where will you run? Will you run?

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who dares to dream

I scream at the top of my lungs

I hope that I'm proven wrong

But if all we are is just machines

Let's become a miracle and break free from these chains

We must be more than just machines

So let them hear our hearts

So let them hear our hearts

Where will you run, when there's no place left for you to hide?

When you're faced with the flood

Will you stand for the future and swallow your pride?

Where will you run?

When there's no place left for you to hide?

When you're faced with the flood (When you're faced with the flood)

Will you stand for the future and swallow your pride?

If all we are is just machines

Then we must be the cogs inside the wheels of change

We must be more than just machines

We can't afford to hide

We must embrace the pain

If all we are is just machines

Then we must be the cogs inside the wheels of change

We must be more than just machines

We can't afford to hide

We must embrace the pain

Where will you run, when there's no place left for you to hide?

When you're faced with the flood

Will you stand for the future and swallow your pride?


Olen vähän ylpeä itsestäni, sillä tänään mä sain vihdoin siivottua tuon vessan, jonka siivousta oon legit vaan lykännyt menemään viimeset kolme viikkoa (ainakin melkein). Huomenna pitää käydä kaupassa ja maanantaina pestä pyykkiä, imuroida ja käydä apteekissa. Ens viikolla mulla ei oo sairaanhoitajan aikaa kun sillä on koulutus, mutta sitä seuraavalla viikolla sitten taas. Laitoin eilen Kelalle hakemuksen tuosta psykofyysestä fysioterapiasta vaativana lääkinnällisenä kuntoutuksena, toivottavasti menee läpi ja niillä ei kestä sataa vuotta käsitellä sitä. 


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold