
 Song of the day;;

→ Sybreed - Doomsday Party

Doomsday party is starting out

Silhouettes flicking in dead lights

Ten thousand degrees Fahrenheit

We burst in solid centigrade

Heat transfer amplified

Kinetic figures all around

Dangerous girls in overdrive

Blood pressure widening our eyes

Ecstatic, polarized

Watch now, the sun is fading away

And still the skyline is glowing in bright white

Let's drown in such an assembly

Let's yell until it all turn to black

(Doomsday party is starting out)

Testing endurance to defy the low performance

We deny all body failure, aiming high

Our breath intensified

And this is how we realize the tragic price of wasting time

It doesn't make sense if we die

And we'll know in the end if we truly lived

And this is how we realize the tragic price of wasting time

It doesn't make sense if we die

And we'll know in the end if we truly lived

We stop all motion for a while and bleed just to feel alive

Like a wave submerging us, we fall and shiver

The welkin starts to ignite

And we know it won't last forever, it's nothing but a lie

A frail substitute for joy

Still, we want to define the line where life and death unite

Where night and day intertwine

We love and hate on fast forward

The momentum is getting wrong

Adrenaline is gasoline

The taste of dust is getting strong

Watch now, the sun is fading away

And still the skyline is glowing in bright white

Let's drown in such an assembly

Let's yell until it all turn to black

(Doomsday party is starting out)

And this is how we realize the tragic price of wasting time

It doesn't make sense if we die

And we'll know in the end if we truly lived

And this is how we realize the tragic price of wasting time

It doesn't make sense if we die

And we'll know in the end if we truly live


Tuli jotenkin kumma ajatus tässä illan mittaan että onkohan mulle tulossa joku lenssu... toivottavasti ei koska ens viikolla olis menoa niin ei oikein ois kiva tulla kipiäksi. En kyllä muista millon mulla olis viimeksi ollut sellanen ihan perusflunssa, varmaan joskus neljä vuotta sitten? En tiiä, ei mulla oo mitenkään sellanen olokaan. Katotaan sit aamulla kun nenä on vitun tukossa ja yskittää niin pirusti :D No, ehkä ei.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold