Suburban knights

 Song of the day;;

→ JAWS - Right in Front of Me

Tell me more about the man that can't feel a thing

The one with the nice big house, the car, the wedding ring

Everyone has an itch they cannot scratch

A feeling that can't be moved by the clothes upon your back

I'll believe in what's put right in front of me

Shadows cloud my train of thought

What's the point if I'm not having the fun I should be?

Where am I fallin' short?

Tell me more about what you want and what you need

'Cause there's a difference and love don't come with greed

A rose decays

No ambition like a politician and

We don't deserve to fight before we feed

I'll believe in what's put right in front of me

Shadows cloud my train of thought

What's the point if I'm not having the fun I should be?

Where am I fallin' short?

I'll believe in what's put right in front of me

Shadows cloud my train of thought

What's the point if I'm not having the fun I should be?

Where am I fallin' short?

I'll believe in what's put right in front of me

I'll believe in what's put right in front of me

I'll believe in what's put right in front of me

I'll believe in what's put right in front of me


Vähän ahistaa ja kuumottaa, kun oon tosiaan vielä täällä kotona ja mulla ois huomenna sairaanhoitajan aika. Laitoin kyllä perjantaina viestiä ja kysyin että voisko sen vaihtaa soittoajaksi mutta hoitaja ei vastannu mulle joten en tiiä onko se viesti menny ees perille vai mitä täällä tapahtuu. Pitää kahtoa aamulla et missä mennään.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold