The chronicles of a bohemian teenager

 Song of the day;;

→ Dayglow - Hot Rod

Sloan, let's sing a song, what should we sing?

My memory is not like the other one

Turn to strike my face

Always second place

Tell me again, why is it I

Never can do anything right?

Complicated theories of life, sarcastically

But we both know

The way it's gonna go

In the same way

Maybe I'm not all that you thought

And we don't move

Like we used to do

In the same way

Maybe you're not such a hot rod

Take back again all that I ever was

It was only just a phase

I never thought of it that way

But what do I know

I'm sorry for

Not wanting to be your décor

Truth is such a violent force, pushing you away

But we both know

The way it's gonna go

In the same way

Maybe I'm not all that you thought

And we don't move

Like we used to do

In the same way

Maybe you're not such a hot rod

But we both know

The way it's gonna go

In the same way

Maybe I'm not all that you thought

And we don't move

Like we used to do

In the same way

Maybe you're not such a hot rod


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold