Nothing rings true

 Song of the day;;

→ Blossoms - There's a Reason Why (I Never Returned Your Calls)

I wanna know

Since you've been gone

Have I been on

Your mind?

'Cause I know I was for a while

Late last night

I saw you out

For a moment I

Turned to stone

'Cause there's still something only we see

Don't talk

I'd have run to kiss your mouth

Is it me or

Just a dream that never dies?

There's a reason why

I never returned your calls

I wish I could forget it all

But I never returned your calls

'Cause I'd fall in again

We're leaving here

We're on the run

The time has come

I don't hear no alarms

Fall asleep in my arms

A lover's game

Is never fair

But I still care

And I know you do too

'Cause there's a part of me that's you

Don't talk

I'd have run to kiss your mouth

Is it me or

Just a dream that never dies?

There's a reason why

I never returned your calls

I wish I could forget it all

But I never returned your calls

'Cause I'd fall in again

I still find parts of you

In the corners of my bedroom

Someday comes too soon

The radio plays our favourite tune again

There's a reason why

I never returned your calls

I wish I could forget it all

But I never returned your calls

'Cause I'd fall in again


Ja näin ollaan saatu tän vuoden kesälomareissu päätökseen. Matka meni yllättävän nopiasti, vaikka kestikin varmaan sen 10 tuntia. Nyt pitäis sit varmaankin alkaa sitä uutta kämppää katella...


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold