Stay away

 Song of the day;;

→ Bedhead - Liferaft

The bed at night is a life raft

In the ocean of the dark

I hang my hands over the sides

Pray to God knows what

Drifting somewhere in the black air

Feeling only the blanket

And the weight of the mattress

The mistress of the sheets

Too many successive nights of being miserable

Give one the sense to sense the invisible

I know you're in this room but the air is too thick

The bed at night is a life boat

A throne off which you can't be thrown

I hang my hands and feet over the sides

And go into the space of what can never be known


Oli pakko kattoa Rottatouille jälleen kerran tänään. Se on ehottomasti yks mun lempileffoista ja semmonen ultimaattinen comfort-leffa. Rakastan sitä niin paljon.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold