2 Fat 2 Furious

 Song of the day;;

→ Cienfue - Shining in the Dark

We fly through life like bullets

Fired from a gun

And if we're lucky, we can

Intersect, baby, before we're done

Shining in the dark

With a thousand points of light

And every night will be tonight

And tonight will be every night

You left your mark

Shining in the dark

Count your lucky stars

Shining in the dark

Shining in the dark

Shining in the dark

Without the dark

We'd never see the stars

But you made me see stars

Count your lucky stars

I'm gonna bring them down for you tonight

If you're Venus, I'll be Mars

I'll make you shine like it's alright

We'll connect the dots and constellations

In the starry sky

And every night will be tonight

And tonight will be every night

You left your mark

Shining in the dark

Count your lucky stars

Shining in the dark

Shining in the dark

Shining in the dark

Without the dark

We'd never see the stars

But you made me see stars

You left your mark

Shining in the dark

Count your lucky stars

Shining in the dark

Shining in the dark

Shining in the dark

Without the dark

We'd never see the stars

But you made me see stars


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold