Live for today

 Song of the day;;

→ Brothertiger - High Tide

You run through the forest away from it all

You soak in the current with your back to the wall

You swim through the tides when the summer call

You follow the sounds of the waterfall

I follow to the edge and I fall to the floor

I swim in circles and I drift evermore

It seems I can't remember who I was before

I'm floating in an ocean that I can't explore

But I can hang on to the surface

In flowing, oscillated time

My lungs are filling up with water

But I won't sink to the void

I climbed to the top of the fiery wall

I swallowed my emotions and embraced the fall

Exploring through the silence of the shadow's call

I'm swimming through the current and I feel it all

But I can hang on to the surface

In flowing, oscillated time

My lungs are filling up with water

But I won't sink to the void


Tänään oli ihan kiva päivä. Meikkasin, pelasin Simssiä (sisko antoi mulle sen vanhan koneen, jossa Sims on, lainaan kun ei se ite ehdi pelata) ja pleikkarilla, kävin lenkillä, katoin Netflixiä ja juttelin porukoitten kanssa Skypessä. Runtti mökötti koska se ei ollu päässy grillaamaan.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold