You're dead! Let's disco!

 Song of the day;;

→ For The Fallen Dreams - Unstoppable

With each breath, with each step

I fall a little further from the plans that I have laid

With each breath, with each step

I feel a little smaller in the bed that I have made

People will hate you, shake you, break you

Standing firm will make you


When we stumble when we fall

When there's nothing left at all

We get up, we get up, we get up again

We get up, we get up, we get up again

With each breath, with each step

I fly a little closer to the ledge from where I fled

With each breath, with each step

I feel a little closure from the life that I have led

People will hate you, shake you, break you

Standing firm will make you


When we stumble when we fall

When there's nothing left at all

We get up, we get up, we get up again

We get up, we get up, we get up again

When the world is caving in

When your skin is wearing thin

We get up, we get up, we get up again

Yeah we get up, we get up, we get up again

And now I know how much I can take

How my bones bend and crack before they break

How long the night lasts before the day

How far I need to walk around the world

Before I start back again

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

And you won't fear death any longer

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

And you won't fear death any longer

People will hate you, shake you, break you

Standing firm will make you



When we stumble when we fall

When there's nothing left at all

We get up, we get up, we get up again

We get up, we get up, we get up again

When the world is caving in

When your skin is wearing thin

We get up, we get up, we get up again

Yeah we get up, we get up, we get up again


Suurin osa tiskeistä hoidettu, loput sitten huomenna. Huomenna mun pitää käydä Ideaparkissa ettimässä vaatetusta siskon tuleviin valmistujaisiin, koska kaikki sopivat juhlavetimet mitä omistan on pitkähihaisia joten mielellään haluaisin jotain lyhythihaista. Ei pelkästään sen takia että on kesä vaan sen takia että haluan mun tatuointien olevan esillä. Toivottavasti löytys jotain, vaikka kai vielä kerkiäis jostain Zalandolta yms. tilata jonkun rytkyn... Tänään oli muuten vuoden eka päivä, kun pidin ikkunaa auki! Tai onhan se auki vieläkin. Yöksi ehkä suljen sen, mutta tosi kiva. Kuulostaa kesältä.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold