Bite my tongue

 Song of the day;;

→ Sir Sly - Expectations

Pressure's on, pressure's high

Pressure's heavy on my mind

Weight is here, weight is right

Weight is heavy on my spine

Truth has holes; truth, it swells

Sometimes truth can feel like hell

And it's full, and it swells

In the end, we'll all be well

How did expectations get so high?

Got a wicked thirst to feel alive

How did expectations get so high?

Now I have nowhere to run and hide

Run and hide

Ideas move, ideas pull

Can ideas be controlled?

Fear has grown, fear so old

Fear is pulsing in my skull

Hope below, hope on high

Hope in ocean, hope in sky

People come, people try

People gone in the blink of an eye

How did expectations get so high?

Got a wicked thirst to feel alive

How did expectations get so high?

Now I have nowhere to run and hide

Run and hide

Who's in control, who's in control, who's in control, who's in control?

Who's in control, who's in control, who's in control, who's in control?

Who's in control, who's in control, who's in control, who's in control?

Who's in control, who's in control, who's in control, who's in control?

Who's in control, who's in control, who's in control, who's in control?

Who's in control, who's in control, who's in control, who's in control?

Who's in control, who's in control, who's in control, who's in control?

Who's in control, who's in control, who's in control, who's in control?

How did expectations get so high?

Got a wicked thirst to feel alive

How did expectations get so high?

How did expectations get so high?


Hyvää kesäkuuta kaikille! Kokeilin nyt tämmöstä vähän erilaista teemaa, vaikka tiedostankin, että se näyttää vähän perseeltä, kun se formatoi nuo postaukset tuollein tosi oudosti, mutta ei voi mitään. Siskon valmistujaisjuhlat meni hyvin, vaikka toki mua ahdisti jonkin verran.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Don't be alarmed, it's not the end of the world

Wake me