One more bottle

 Song of the day;;

→ Veil of Maya - Doublespeak

Betrayed and forgotten

Erased and led astray


When the core has rotted

It begins to erode away


Suffer in pain (Suffer in pain)

You cannot evade

Turning your back on the bond we've made

You've dug your own grave

And now your terror is mine to shape

I'll watch you die afraid

Tidal waves

They're washing me far away

Islands of misery

Can't escape

Disintegrate what we've made

Shattered trust cutting deep

On these islands of misery

On these islands of misery

Turning your back on the bond we've made

You've dug your own grave

And now your terror is mine to shape

I'll watch you die afraid

Tidal waves

They're washing me far away

Islands of misery

Can't escape

Disintegrate what we've made

Shattered trust cutting deep

There is no life left in these bones

Emptiness has swallowed me whole

There is no life within this soul

Emptiness has swallowed me whole

Turning your back on the bond we've made

You've dug your own grave

And now your terror is mine to shape

I'll watch you die afraid

Tidal waves

They're washing me far away

Islands of misery

Can't escape

Disintegrate what we've made

Shattered trust cutting deep

Tidal waves

They're washing far away

Islands of misery

Can't escape

Disintegrate what we've made

Shattered trust cutting deep

On these islands of misery

On these islands of misery


Kävin tänään todella, todella pitkästä aikaa puolentoista tunnin lenkillä ja ai jumalauta kun se tuntu hyvältä. Alussa tosin reidet tuntu aivan helvetin kireiltä, mut ne verty aika nopiasti. Parin viikon päästä lähetään Lappiin.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Don't be alarmed, it's not the end of the world

Wake me