Ghost beach

 Song of the day;;

→ Recorders - Lost at Sea

Once again, lost in the country, going back to the black birch trees

It's much more soothing on this side

Some days I forget why I hide, but I know

I'm always restless to the bone

Asking myself what no one knows

This feeling's coming back to life with ocean heads and spinning palms

And I know that you know

Why I go, where I go

I'll take you to the moon

Far away from our wound, forgotten way too soon

Sometimes we'll be gone and lost at sea

For all the things you wanna know

And all the ones you want to show

Sometimes we'll be gone and lost at sea

For all the things you wanna know

And all the ones you want to

Show me where the ancient oaks numb their hearts and soothe their souls

They tell me I should join to fit in

I don't know how to feel about it; now

Floating down the owl river once again to win you over

Let's just bathe and close our eyes, and let the falling stars decide

And I know that you know

Why I go, where I go

And you know that I know

Why you go, where you go

Hiding from the gloom

Sometimes we'll be gone and lost at sea

For all the things you wanna know

And all the ones you want to show

Sometimes we'll be gone and lost at sea

For all the things you wanna know

And all the ones you want to show

Ah, why don't you show

Why don't you show

Show me what you've got


Tänään on mun synttärit. Tarkkaan ottaen en täytä 26 ennen kun vasta kello 22:55, joten vähän aikaa tässä vielä menee. Ei tunnu muulta ku helvetin laittomalta.


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