I don't wanna be in love (Dance floor anthem)

Song of the day;;

We are, we are, we are
We are, we are, we are

The time has come to bring you down
Take the power back and show you how
I hear the sound of a plane passing by
Someone have the same thoughts as I
But as I get to the end of mine
You deny and think everything is fine

We are, we are, we are
We are the truth that hurts the most 'cause
We are, we are, we are
It hurts when your denial's exposed
It hurts when your denial's exposed

Why can't we see eye to eye?
Think of all the things we leave behind
I hear the sound of a car driving by
You can go on for miles
But you will run out, this is not your day
Are you just gonna turn around and walk away?

We are, we are, we are
We are the truth that hurts the most 'cause
We are, we are, we are
It hurts when your denial's exposed
It hurts when your denial's exposed

But as I get to the end of mine
You deny and think everything is fine

We are, we are, we are
We are the truth that hurts the most 'cause
We are, we are, we are
It hurts when your denial's exposed
We are, we are, we are
It hurts when your denial's exposed
It hurts when your denial's exposed


Todella valaisevaa sekä ahdistavaa tajuta näin 26-vuotiaana, kuinka paljon mun vanhempien käyttäytymismallit on muhun oikeasti vaikuttaneet. Kuinka mä olisin koskaan voinut oppia puhumaan mistään, kun meillä kaikki ''ratkaistaan'' niin, että pidetään mykkäkoulua, tiuskitaan ja sitten esitetään niin kuin kaikki olis normaalisti? Kuinka mä olisin koskaan voinut oppia kohtelemaan itseäni hyvin ja puhumaan itselleni kivasti, kun mä olen koko ikäni kuunnellut, kun mun äiti morkkaa ja haukkuu itseään jatkuvasti?


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold