
 Song of the day;;

→ Insomnium - While We Sleep

When your heart gives out and your love collapses

When the hand that never lets go is there no more

When you reap and sow only throe and resentment

When there's no one else but you to blame it for

When all you ever wish for is to go back once more

When all you ever wish for is to change it all

When all you feel is remorse, pain and regret

When you dwell in the past unable to move on

And we drift far away in our dreams

Gather further distance while we sleep

Build a wall of glass thick and deep

We hear but choose not to listen

And we drift far away in our dreams

Gather further distance while we sleep

Still the bridge is enflamed with fire

Leave all the love we had behind

When you realize that your life is a one-way road

When you realize that there's no point of return

When you understand that you can't go back anymore

When you understand you can only move onwards

And we drift far away in our dreams

Gather further distance while we sleep

Build a wall of glass thick and deep

We hear but choose not to listen

And we drift far away in our dreams

Gather further distance while we sleep

Still the bridge is enflamed with fire

Leave all the love we had behind

Slow down

We need to slow down

We need to slow down

So I can catch you

We need to slow down so I can catch you

We need to slow down so you can catch me

We need to slow down so I can catch you

We need to slow down so you can catch me

Slow down


Sain tänään tiskattua (pieni ihme). Lisäksi pelailin, kävin lenkillä ja katoin Rottatouillen, joka on mun ultimaattinen comfort-leffa Shrekkien lisäks. Mulle vaan tulee siitä aina hyvä mieli ja sellanen... turvallinen? olo. Huomenna on fysioterapia, onneks vasta 14:30 joten ei tarvi herätä liian aikaseen.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold