Some people laugh, some people cry

Today I want to tell you something and I'm not naming any names because I know what I'm about to say would upset and hurt them, but if you do recognise yourself then congratulations.

So, I have this mate who gets upset easily and I reckon they need constant asking of 'are you okay' just so that they can say no. I have no ability to feel sympathy or empathy for that matter, not anymore, which is why I find myself struggling with words because I feel they're always over exaggerating their issues. Why am I telling you this? Well, they have said that I can talk to them and stuff, and shouldn't mates ask each other 'are you okay' every once in a while? They never do. And I can't talk to them when I feel bad, upset or something, because I doubt they would listen or care. I tried that once, but they went on about their own issues and I have to say that is extremely hurtful for me.

I can't say anything to them because they get upset so goddamn easily and the least I want is them blaming me for upsetting them. I mean, I'm not a huge fan of people asking me if I'm okay, but I do admit that it would be nice if someone bothered to ask me that, even if just once in a year or something. My parents never do and they jump right into wrong conclusions but I can't talk to them, they get all weird.

Well, anyway, since they're my mate and I respect them and all that, I'm probably just going to suffer in silence or something. I don't mean to cause anyone any grief and if I indeed have (I know I have), I'm sorry for everything I have ever said or done.



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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

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