
Song of the day;;

Let me up
Let me out
I am suffocating
I can't live without this all behind me
Is this almost over now?
The longest night, my darkest hour
Where you will find me
Pale, lost and dying
From the truth

You left me at the altar
My heart in my hand
I am tired and broken 
Haunted by memories of
The life you've stolen
I am tired and broken
You left me at the altar
My heart in my hand (You left me, I won't forget)
In my hand (You left me and I won't forget)

Let me up
Let me out
My lips are trembling
And I cannot make a sound
My love betrays me
Is this almost over now?
The walls caved in
The roof fell down
And I am finally
Tired of the lying
And the cloud
That follows you

You left me at the altar
My heart in my hand
I am tired and broken 
Haunted by memories of
The life you've stolen
I am tired and broken
You left me at the altar
My heart in my hand (You left me, I won't forget)
In my hand (You left me with my heart in my hand, I won't forget)

You left me breathless
You left me scared
But your love has never kept me warm when you weren't here

And now my only hope is to take back what you've stolen
(My life will go on without you)
And now my only hope is to take back what you've stolen
(My life will go on without you)

You left me at the altar
My heart in my hand
I am tired and broken 
Haunted by memories of
The life you've stolen
(You left me, I won't forget)
You've stolen
(You left me, I won't forget)
You've stolen
(You left me, I won't forget)
You've stolen
(You left me in the end, I will not forget)


1000. postaus!! Pitäiskö väsätä joku spessu?


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold