High for this

Song of the day;;

T.H.E. S.C.E.N.E.
T.H.E. S.C.E.N.E.

Everybody get the fuck up

Everything you spit and everything you sing
Every fucking line, it doesn't mean a thing
I know you're just a bragging bitch
So go to hell if you won't admit

20 000 likes
I don't give a shit
So put the middle fingers up
'Cause you are making me sick

Fuck the money
Fuck the fame
Everything that you pretend
I will never be a part of
What you represent

Hey, I don't give a shit
So fuck that
You make me sick
I don't give a shit

Living on the fast lane
It doesn't mean a damn thing at all
Hey, let's fuck the scene
Ready or not, let me hear you scream
Hate us, fake us, rate us
We always stay the same
Hey, let's fuck the scene
Ready or not, let me hear you scream

T.H.E. S.C.E.N.E.
T.H.E. S.C.E.N.E.

Everybody get the fuck up

Go fuck yourself and fuck the scene
Don't give a fuck about your feature in that magazine
What, I know  you gotta talk it big
But you should better care about your fan base, prick

Fuck expectations
From people I don't know
I'm not a motherfucking rock star
It's never been a goal
And everybody's acting
Politically correct
 But when you drop all pretense
You stab each other in the back

Hey, I don't give a shit
So fuck that
You make me sick
I don't give a shit

Living on the fast lane
It doesn't mean a damn thing at all
Hey, let's fuck the scene
Ready or not, let me hear you scream
Hate us, fake us, rate us
We always stay the same
Hey, let's fuck the scene
Ready or not, let me hear you scream

T.H.E. S.C.E.N.E.
T.H.E. S.C.E.N.E.

Fuck your scene, I'm a metalcore OG
Fuck the trends and the bullshit magazines
I speak my mind and it turns into a headline
Using my name so they can turn into a goldmine

Livin' in the fast lane, nothin' means a damn thing
Call it how I see it, believe it when I see it, what
That's the way the world works today
A bunch of trendy motherfuckers to control the scene

Living on the fast lane
It doesn't mean a damn thing at all
Hey, let's fuck the scene
Ready or not, let me hear you scream
Hate us, fake us, rate us
We always stay the same
Hey, let's fuck the scene
Ready or not, let me hear you scream

I wanna kick in your front teeth
And I'm gonna fuck your face
Choke on this

Hate us or rate us, you'll never commiserate us
Because you'll never be a man enough to
Say it to my fucking face


Oon kuullut tässä aika paljon huonoja kommentteja tästä EC:n uusimmasta enkä todellakaan oo samaa mieltä niiden kanssa. Toki tää on erilaista kuin se, mitä ne julkaisi joskus vuonna 2010, mutta mun mielestä artistien ja bändien tuleekin kehittyä. Onhan BMTH:nkin nykyinen musiikki erilaista kuin se alkuaikainen. Lisäksi mä en voinut vastustaa kiusausta kun näin että EC:ltä on vihdoin tullut uutta kamaa, sillä ne on edelleen yksi mun suosikkibändeistä, vaikka mä olenkin valitettavasti vähän tästä metalcoresta vieraantunut vuosien aikana. Välillä mä kuitenkin palaan juurilleni, koska se on ihan kivaa. Niin... Ehkä mä voisin joskus tehdä lisää niitä throwback thursday-biisipostauksia?


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold