Kiss me

Song of the day;;

→ Moi Caprice - To The Lighthouse

So many guillotines and yet
I have never lost my head
Like Cassius Clay back in Zaire
It is my wits that brought me here

I never thought that it would show
That there's a leak in every boat
And this one is sinking
I'm sure it's sinking now
Somewhere there's a lighthouse
But the light has gone out

And if it's sinking
If this boat is sinking now
You'd steal the sea I'm in
You'd steal the sea

You cut and my heart broke in two
But separately each part still grew
Now one is false and one is true
The first of these I ascribe to you

I stole the hearts from the rich girls
And gave them to the poor
I wish I could steal them all back
In case I'd find a shore

'Cause this boat is sinking
I'm sure it's sinking now
Off to the lighthouse
I must find it somehow

And if it's sinking
If this boat is sinking now
You'll steal the sea I'm in
You'll steal the sea I'm in


Täytän muutaman tunnin päästä 19. Tuntuu vähän sellaiselta ''turhalta'' iältä 18 ja 20 välissä. Eikä tunnu ees että ois synttärit. Ennen aina olin ihan kikseissä koko päivän, nyt on vaan semmonen 'meh'-fiilis. En tiedä.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold