Stray dog

Song of the day;;

Can you handle my style?
Can you handle my attitude?
Are you ready for me?
I guarantee, what you get is what you see
And that's the truth
Can you handle my style?
Can you handle my attitude?
'Cause I really wanna shine, every time
Take the world by surprise and I'm ready to

I'm the only one that's like me
You can say I'm original
Got my own personality
I'm individual
What I wear, what I say, what I look like
Got a fashion all my own
There's never been anybody like me
Time to let it show

Can you handle my style?
Can you handle my attitude?
Are you ready for me?
I guarantee, what you get is what you see
And that's the truth
Can you handle my style?
Can you handle my attitude?
'Cause I really wanna shine, every time
Take the world by surprise and I'm ready to

I can be anything that I want to
Confident in the way I feel
I'm the one that my dreams belong to
I'm gonna make them real
Everyone is one of a kind
I'm an un-traditional girl
You can say I'm the one and only
Me in the world

Can you handle my style?
Can you handle my attitude?
Are you ready for me?
I guarantee, what you get is what you see
And that's the truth
Can you handle my style?
Can you handle my attitude?
'Cause I really wanna shine, every time
Take the world by surprise and I'm ready to

It's who I am, I understand
I got my style, I got my plan
You are the only one and the original, that's right
And I know that I can be just anything that I like
Who I am, my attitude
It's my own thing, it's what I do
I never hold back or hide the way that I feel
Because I'm keepin' it real

Can you handle my style?
Can you handle my attitude?
Are you ready for me?
I guarantee, what you get is what you see
And that's the truth
Can you handle my style?
Can you handle my attitude?
'Cause I really wanna shine, every time
Take the world by surprise and I'm ready to


Pakko sanoa, et Bratzit oli kyl mulle pienenä tosi suuri inspiraatio sen suhteen, etten mä jotenkin ''oppinut'' olemaan jotain muuta kuin mitä mä olen, en sen suhteen millainen mä olen luonteeltani tai vaikka miten mä pukeudun. Mä olen vaan aina tehnyt omaa juttuani. Toki vanhemmalla iällä ahistus yrittää välillä taltuttaa, mut tavallaan sitä on oppinu sen verran vastustamaan, ettei suostu mihinkään massan muottiin. Se tosin lamauttaa sit melkeinpä kaikilla muilla osa-alueilla, hahaha. Pitäis varmaan opetella tasapainosemmaksi ihmiseksi... No, anygays. Huomenna mä käyn hakemassa avaimet ja tsekkaamassa kämppäni! En tosin tiedä, voiko sitä sanoa mun kämpäksi sinänsä, kun onhan se kuitenkin soluasunto... Joka tapauksessa ylihuomenna ois muutto edessä.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold