We all bleed

Song of the day;;

Only in madness do you find beautiful death
And only in sadness do you feel happy instead

Be careful what you wish for 'cause you don't know
The guilt I carried this far all on my own
It's nothing you wanna feel

Don't wait for the dust to settle, don't wait till it's not enough
Don't wait for the world to let go of the both of us
Don't wait for the dust to settle, don't wait till you've had enough
Don't wait for the world to let go or to give you up

The silence is one thing that I'll remember you said
Well, it's better than nothing when nothing's all that you left

Be careful what you wish for 'cause you don't know
The guilt I carried this far wasn't my own
It's nothing you wanna feel, so let it go

Don't wait for the dust to settle, don't wait till it's not enough
Don't wait for the world to let go of the both of us
Don't wait for the dust to settle, don't wait till you've had enough
Don't wait for the world to let go or to give you up

If you need a place to hang your head, a shoulder's better than a knot
You'd be a better memory alive rather than not
If you need a place to hang your head, a shoulder's better than a knot
You'd be a better memory if no one else forgot
So let it go

Don't wait for the dust to settle, don't wait till it's not enough
Don't wait for the world to let go of the both of us
Don't wait for the dust to settle, don't wait till you've had enough
Don't wait for the world to let go or to give you up

(If you need a place to hang your head, a shoulder's better than a knot)
I'm not giving up
(You'd be a better memory alive rather than not)
So don't you give up
(If you need a place to hang your head, a shoulder's better than a knot)
I'm not giving up
(You'd be a better memory if no one else forgot)
So don't you give up


Vittu että voikin nää opinnot ahistaa näin helvetisti. Mun on pakko tehdä jotain ennen kuin jotain peruuttamatonta tapahtuu. Tuntuu vaan typerältä, kun on tavallaan päässy jo näin pitkälle, mut en mä voi kiduttaa itteeni pakottamalla itteni tekemään joka päivä asioita jotka ei mua oikeesti kiinnosta ja vaan saa mut ahistuneeks ja itkuseks. Mun on pakko vaan myöntää tappio ja se, että ei tää oo mulle. Tää ala ainakaan. Mä haluan tehdä jotain muuta, ja se on ihan okei.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold