Together burning bright

Song of the day;;

Floatin' in a room
With no feet on the ground
Got the weight of the world
That's tryin' to force me down
See the silver linings
Glowing circles of light
Will you show me what's up there
At the end of the sky

There's a part of me
Losing gravity
I don't wanna wait all my life
In a state of in between

You are a part of me
'Cause you're my supernova
You are the light I need
To die and start over

I better burn my wings
And get lost to be found
Than to stay here forever
With my dreams all around
The fears I have beaten
They can't do me no harm
I got rid of my anchor
Just before I'm to drown

There's a part of me
Losing gravity
I don't wanna wait all my life
In a state of in between

You are a part of me
'Cause you're my supernova
You are the light I need
To die and start over

To die and start over
To die and start over
To die and start over

You are a part of me
'Cause you're my supernova
You are the light I need
To die and start over
You are a part of me
'Cause you're my supernova
You are the light I need
To die and start over


Mulla nousee aina kyyneleet silmiin, kun mä kuulen tän version. 


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold