Lunacy fringe

Song of the day;;

→ The Neighbourhood - Dust

No more water in the lake
No more fish in the ocean
They grew wings, flew away
I got a clue where they're going
They want a break, they want a break
No more water in the lake
No more fish in the ocean
They grew wings, flew away
I got a clue where they're going
They want a break, they want a break

All the lucky ones kept fucking it up
Threatened our lives but it wasn't enough
Didn't wanna sit down, couldn't listen to nobody
So everybody went out of control

Thrashing in platinum dust
Damage that can't be undone
Tragic of weapons

(They want a break)
Everybody went to outer space
The second that the sun exploded
I'm the only fool who stayed
If you're reading this, I wrote it

All the lucky ones kept fucking it up
Threatened our lives but it wasn't enough
Didn't wanna sit down, couldn't listen to nobody
So everybody went out of control

Thrashing in platinum dust
Damage that can't be undone
Tragic of weapons

Body, so everybody went out of control
Body, so everybody went out of control
Body, so everybody went out of control
Body, so everybody went out of control
Body, so everybody went out of control
Body, so everybody went out of control
Body, so everybody went out of control
Body, so everybody went out of control


Oon nukkunu nyt viime aikoina enemmän kuin normaalisti, mut silti mua on väsyttäny ihan yhtä paljon, ellei enemmänkin. Mitähän vittua nyt taas? Huomenna ois kuuteen asti, mut voi olla että joudun skippaamaan sen myöhemmän luennon (ei oo onneksi läsnäolopakkoa), koska en yksinkertaisesti jaksa.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold