This means war

Song of the day;;

Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up
Pick up the phone

You said it yourself you're scared of being alone
You said it yourself that you can crack the code
But the static you hear automatically keeps you exposed, on your own
I hope you're ready, steady, smashing through the levy
The drama, the trauma, don't play the prima donna
My god
You said it yourself that you would never stop
Until you felt the needle drop

Now you pack your bags, the party's such a drag
And everyone can tell that you're poisoning the well
But there are no mistakes, except what you create
You need to know your place

'Cause it's about to get heavy (Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
It's about to be on (Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
Yeah, I'm bangin' slingin' napalm (Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
So nobody move
'Cause I was sent to warn you
The devil's in the next room

The silence, the silence
The blinding ultra violence
Knockin' at your door (Hey)
Pacin' back and forth
What now? (What now)
The whispers and the screams
The stereotypical profiling ritual
Vicious and obscene

So now you pack your bags, the party's such a drag
And everyone can tell that you're poisoning the well
But there are no mistakes, except what you create
You need to know your place

'Cause it's about to get heavy (Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
It's about to be on (Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
Yeah, I'm bangin' slingin' napalm (Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
So nobody move
'Cause I was sent to warn you
The devil's in the next room

'Cause it's about to get heavy (Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
It's about to be on (Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
Yeah, I'm bangin' slingin' napalm (Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
So nobody move
'Cause I was sent to warn you
The devil's in the next room

(Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
Yeah, the devil's in the next room
(Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
Yeah, the devil's in the next room
(Heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
So nobody move
'Cause I was sent to warn you
The devil's right beside you


Tänään en tehny juuri muuta kun katoin pari Shrekkiä ja jotain sattumanvaraista koneella. En vaihtanu edes vaatteita. Viime yönä en taaskaan saanu nukuttua, tällä kertaa syynä outo, random huono olo, jonka syytä en nyt osaa sanoa. Aamupäivällä nukuin päikkärit koska heikotti vielä, mut iltaa kohti onneks parani olo ja nyt ollu sitten normaali taas jo monta tuntia. Huomenna sitten pestään pyykkiä ja sen sellasta. Enää muutama päivä niin pääsen kotiin. Pitää vähän siivoilla. Eilen ois muuten ollu Euroviisut, mutta koska maailmantilanne on vähän mitä on nyt, niin tilalla oli sit semmonen saatanan masentava Europe Shine A Light-show, jossa esiteltiin ne tän vuoden artistit ja sitten ne lauloi yhdessä biisin. Ihan kiva, että tollanen oli, mut musta se ois saanu olla vähän ilosempi, koska sitähän nyt tarvittaisiin... No, eikun sitten oottelemaan ens vuoden viisuja!


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold