My heart

 Song of the day;;

→ Architects - Mortal After All

I guess we're mortal after all

One day all of us will give up the ghost

Too lost in the light to see what matters most

All ends will be met

And all worlds must collapse

Another part of the symphony lost between eternity

But god is in the detail

I know that there's a part of me, doomed to face infinity

'Cause every wave has gotta break

Has gotta break

The truth is, all of us are hostages

Staring down the throat of the screaming abyss

Surrendering is half the battle

But we're powerless to resist

Another part of the symphony lost between eternity

But god is in the detail

I know that there's a part of me, doomed to face infinity

'Cause every wave has gotta break

Have you forgotten the deal we made?

I've seen the end and the pain we trade

All these walls will fall

I guess we're mortal after all

The end will come for all of us

This all rests on the fault line

All ends will be met

And all worlds must collapse

Another part of the symphony lost between eternity

But god is in the detail

I know that there's a part of me, doomed to face infinity

'Cause every wave has gotta break

Has gotta break, yeah

Have you forgotten the deal we made?

I've seen the end and the pain we trade

All these walls will fall

I guess we're mortal after all


Huomenna kotia! Kävin tänään lipastolta hakemassa haalarit, mua vaan naurattaa niin perkeleesti kun ne on kokoa XS ja silti aivan saatanan isot, etenkin pituussuunnassa... On hauskaa olla vertikaalisesti rajottunu! Varmaan sitten kun tulen takas niin rupian ompelemaan merkkejä kiinni niihin. Mua jostain syystä ahdisti ihan hirviästi mennä sinne kiltahuoneelle (no varmaan koska sosiaalinen ahdistus, daa, vitun pässi) ja sitten ajattelin, että on tosiaan olemassa ihmisiä, jotka vaan... menee ja elää ja tekee asioita eikä ahdistu mistään. Tosi outoa. 


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold