I blame you

 Song of the day;;

→ Architects - Animals

Diamond, diamond in the mud

Infinity is waiting there

'Cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral

I do my best, but everything seems ominous

Not feeling blessed, quite the opposite

This shouldn't feel so monotonous

It never rains, but it pours

We're just a bunch of fucking animals

But we're afraid of the outcome

Don't cry to me because the fiction that we're living in

Says I should pull the pin

Should I just pull the pin?

Should I just pull the pin?

I dug my heels, I thought that I could stop the rot

The ground gave way, now I've lost the plot

Fucked it again, that was all I've got

It never rains, but it pours

Life is just a dream within a

We'rе just a bunch of fucking animals

But we're afraid of the outcomе

Don't cry to me because the fiction that we're living in

Says I should pull the pin

Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud

Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral

Dream within a, dream within a

We're just a bunch of fucking animals

But we're afraid of the outcome

Don't cry to me because the fiction that we're living in

Says I should pull the pin

We're just a bunch of fucking animals

But we're afraid of the outcome

Don't cry to me because the fiction that we're living in

Says I should pull the pin

Should I just pull the pin?

Should I just pull the pin?

(Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud)

Should I just pull the pin?

(Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral)

Should I just pull the pin?


Tää biisi on soinut viime aikoina aika usiasti, tykkään ihan helvetisti. Oulussa ollaan, tänne on jotenkin tosi kiva tulla aina takas ja jotenkin en malta oottaa, että syyskuu tulee ja pääsen tulemaan tänne taas pitkäksi aikaa. Kunpa vaan opintojen jatkuminen ei ahistais niin paljon... En tiedä pitäiskö ottaa syksyllä yhteyttä omaopettajaan tai johonkin ja jutustella vähän asioista. En halua että käy taas niinko viimeksi. 


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold