I'm glad you came

 Song of the day;;

→ JOHAN - Oceans

I've been hanging on so long

I've been living on my own

Waiting for you

I've been helpless since you're gone

Getting tired of being alone

Keep thinking of you

I cannot sleep you never call

I can't believe how deep I've fallen into you

So if you're lonely

Then I will swim the ocean

Pull me under water

Find me crawling on the ocean floor

If you need me

Then I will cross the ocean

Walk upon the water

The tides will bring me to the ocean shore

If you want me

Why don't you give a sign?

You live in a different world

And all the seas have parted you from me

Getting close but I can't reach you

There's a giant gap between us

Can't you see?

I can't take it anymore

I never make it to your door I might drown

But if you're lonely

Then I will swim the ocean

Pull me under water

Find me crawling on the ocean floor

If you need me

Then I will cross the ocean

Walk upon the water

Tides will bring me to the ocean shore

If you want me

But do you want me?

I believe in time

I believe in time

Healing wounds it's all from the past

Leaves us cold

I believe you're mine

I believe I'm fine

But then again I'm lost without you now

I gotta get to you somehow

Before I drown

I can't take it anymore

I never make it to your door I might drown

But if you're lonely

Then I will swim the ocean

Pull me under water

Find me crawling on the ocean floor

If you need me

Then I will cross the ocean

Walk upon the water

Tides will bring me to the ocean shore

If you want me

Now do you want me?


Huomisen terapia onkin ihanan raikkaasti kello kahdeksan reikä reikä aamulla, koska se oli ainoa mahdollinen aika tälle viikolle. No, eipä haittaa. Tänään onnistuin hurjasti elämässä kun nukuin aivan vitusti pommiin eikä mulla ole minkäänlaista muistikuvaa siitä, heräsinkö ees herätykseen vai laitoinko sen vaan puolikuolleena pois ja nukahdin uudelleen. 


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold