Fucked up situation

 Song of the day;;

→ Cult of Luna - What I Leave Behind

Sickness spreads throughout us

Farther, deeper

Like fire it hides

Far below

A wild beast awakens

To darken the sun

Its eyes rule the fear

Fear that follows you

Like a shadow

A shadow that darkens the sun

Falling from the sky

Buried underground

An undefined form

Of our own demise

Sickness spreads throughout us

Farther, deeper

Like fire it hides

Far below

Farther, deeper

Farther, deeper

Falling from the sky

Buried underground

An undefined form

Of our own demise

Oh, father

Is this your god's will?

Oh, mother

You let the black sun rise

Oh, son

This is the gift I offer

Oh, daughter

I see embers in your eyes


Aamulla taas ahisti. Mietin että johtuukohan se vielä tosta lääkkeestä, kun noissahan on monissa se, että ne ensin pahentaa ahistusta ennen ku ne alkaa toimia... En tiiä.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold