
 Song of the day;;

→ Wilmette - Winter Stay

I'll keep on pushing through the absence

Guess I'm better off alone

Throw my head inside the rafters just to make me feel at home

And I’ll lift myself up

Suppose my back will break the fall to maybe straighten some things out

And force my head to take the blows

I’ve been trying to scratch at the surface

Can’t wrap my head around the thought that anything’s worth this

Lying alone

Except I’m not alone and there’s every where

To go

But still I’ll hit my peaks and somehow end up at my low

(And I’ll break myself)

Break myself down the only way I know how

Neglect the notion I’m somebody else

Winter stay

Through you I can feel the same even though I’ve changed

Re-purpose the thoughts I just refrain

And let this anxious body lay to rest

I’m confiding with the surface

Only saturate my lies enough to find another purpose

And I’ll break through doors they try to bind me to

To come around and realize that all the hinges come unscrewed, I’m bound to lose

And I’ve been running up the ends I’ll never catch

When the part of me I loved is dead

I guess that’s where this ends

When I see that part of you then I don’t know even who you are

I look at the canvas of this person from afar

It’s like I never even knew you at all

Can’t help that I’m just here to see when you fall

Why do I push my luck when it’s all on you?

Collect my empty weight and start anew

So I can’t stay

We both know it’s better this way

Winter stay

We both know it'd end up this way

(There's nothing I can do, but get upset with truth)

So I'll stay in pieces you left broke and frayed

We both knew it'd end up this way


No vituiksihan se meni. Menin sinne näytteenottoon ja siellä sanottiin, että lähete on vanhentunut vähän aikaa sitten eikä verikokeita voida ottaa. Käskivät ottaa yhteyttä lääkäriin. En jaksa nyt enää tätä ennen kesää. Antaa olla.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold