Savin' me

 Song of the day;;

→ Tample - Summer Light

On the road I′m so excited

Summer time, I walk alone

There's a light trying to stop me

Every time I hear this sound

Does anybody know

What we are looking for

I am walking on my way

Does anybody know

What we are living for

You′re walking on my way

I try to sleep but I can't every time this picture comes

You're the light by which I′m flying

Summer time, I hear this sound

Does anybody know

What we are looking for

I am walking on my way

Does anybody know

What we are living for

You′re walking on my way

Does anybody know

What we are looking for

I am walking on my way

Does anybody know

What we are living for

You're walking on my way


Fysioterapeutti laitto viestiä, että Kelalta oli tullu se päätös niille (mulle se ei ollu vielä tullu, ehkä huomenna?) ja se oli myönteinen, eli saan nyt noita psykofyysisia fysioterapiakertoja 40 vaativana lääkinnällisenä kuntoutuksena! 


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Don't be alarmed, it's not the end of the world

Wake me