Cat and mouse

 Song of the day;;

→ Arcade Fire - Ready to Start

The businessmen are drinking my blood

Like the kids in art school said they would

And I guess I'll just begin again

You say, can we still be friends?

If I was scared, I would

And if I was bored, you know I would

And if I was yours, but I'm not

All the kids have always known

That the emperor wears no clothes

But they bow down to him anyway

Because it's better than being alone

If I was scared, I would

And if I was bored, you know I would

And if I was yours, but I'm not

Now you're knocking at my door

Saying, please come out with us tonight

But I would rather be alone

Than pretend I feel alright

If the businessmen are drinking my blood

Like the kids at art school said they would

Then I guess I'll just begin again

You say, can we still be friends?

If I was scared, I would

And if I was pure, you know I would

And if I was yours, but I'm not

Now I'm ready to start

If I was scared, I would

And if I was pure, you know I would

And if I was yours, but I'm not

Now I'm ready to start

Now I'm ready to start

I would rather be wrong

Than live in the shadows of your song

My mind is open wide

And now I'm ready to start

And now I'm ready to start

My mind is open wide

And now I'm ready to start

Not sure you'll open the door

To step out into the dark

Now I'm ready


Tänään oli se palaveri ja se meni ihan hyvin. Yritetään saada lisää psykofyysistä fysioterapiaa Kelalta ens vuodelle. Kävin apteekissa ja Postissa sen jälkeen. Sain tänään myös haastattelukutsun vihdoin sinne koulutukseen, se on 28. tätä kuuta. Jännittää kyllä, kun en oo koskaan ollu sellasessa haastattelussa. Huomenna sitten tatuoitavaksi!


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold