let me out of here

No one ever cares, do they? No one loves, no one's there. They hear, but they don't listen. Or they listen, but they don't hear. It's what ever, isn't it, really? Everything... Everyone, they're no good. That's what everyone keeps saying. What are we supposed to believe anymore? Lies, lies, lies. This whole life is a fucking lie. No one loves properly, do they?

So what are you supposed to do, when your whole life falls apart before your very eyes, you can't believe what's happening, everything's supposed to be all right, isn't it? And when it's not... Really fucks you up. But no one can know, can they? What would they do? Call you mental, only care about their own crap. Better not care, it just hurts a lot more, doesn't it?

People say they understand. Now I wonder, do they really? Maybe they do. Someone does, sometimes. But usually... I don't really think they do. They say that so they don't have to deal with other people's problems. It's not your fucking problem, isn't it? I understand, they say, thinking, when are you done ranting over your own bollocks?

So when are we really done? Done with everything, people, life? Life is a complex, I reckon. It is a mystery, and I highly doubt it's ever going to be solved. Maybe some questions are better left without a decent answer, don't you think? But the truth hurts, now doesn't it? And lies... They hurt even more. But that's reality. Life. Really fucks you over, doesn't it?

But don't be afraid, darling. Just do as you're told, smile and hate yourself in the shadows of your mind. It's easier for everyone, isn't it now?


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