I tried to drown my pain away but my pain learned how to swim

How's life been for the lot of you? Remember when I told you about the medication I was supposed to be on? Turns out I'm somewhat allergic to it, yes, you got it right. I got a nasty allergic reaction from it, I got fever and a painful rash on my back. Luckily I have an appointment to whatever-his-name-is and I'm pretty sure we can fix this problem, yeah.

On the other hand, I feel useless. As far as I'm concerned I'm going to upper secondary school (or high school, you dim-witted twats), and yeah, it's probably the school I want to go to, just not here. I could've applied to others, but I decided to take the easy route and just go for the one that's closest to me. I don't know if that was such a clever thing to do, but we'll see. So far it has given me a shitload of stress, anxiety and casual desperation, and that's a lot to say since I usually don't get stressed over school and such.

And yes, I'm being a pessimistic arse but I highly doubt I'm going to enjoy myself, I feel and I know there's a lot of people who just plainly think I'm a freak and that's all there is to it, but... I don't know. I don't want to say anything because I don't know anything yet, and who knows, it might be a blast but don't get your knickers in a twist. We'll just wait and see, shall we. Summer is not far now and it seems like it's April Fools today.

you bring out the worst in me
sure I do the same for you


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Wake me

Out of the cold