Look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide

For the first time in a long, long time, I actually feel like it's all going to be sorted. Well, to be honest, in a way I feel it's not but in another way I feel it will, but I guess you'll never know, yeah? I've been a proper mess for quite a while, and I'm well tired of all this crap. It's mad, innit, and I don't know if I can sort it or not, really.

I started another medication a few days back because the one I previously had gave me a mingy allergic reaction so that was a no go. I don't know if it'll work, but all I really want it to do is to lift my mood a bit (I've been proper moody lately and apparently I'm dead mad, snapping at people for no apparent reason) and maybe give me more energy. It takes me a lot these days just to get up and do something, even the things I love. Well today I was being well active, I baked a lovely cake and I'm quite happy I did.

Also it's not long until the end of school and my birthday, so all I need to do is to get through these couple of weeks, and I've been getting proper grades from tests and exams lately so I'm quite pleased with myself. I'm dead tired but I think I can pull it off. I'm trying not to worry about upper secondary school yet and so far so good... We'll just see how it goes, yeah?

Well right now I'm just glad that things like Netflix and Spotify exist so I can drown all my sorrows into TV programmes and banging music. It's keeping me on my tracks somehow and I believe some day I will rise up from the bottom of this ocean. Just watch me.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

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