
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on maaliskuu, 2014.

Robots for Ronnie

Oh dad, what will we do? I got another letter from Ronnie's teacher at school She said, it's almost cruel None of the other kids think Ronnie's cool The guys think he's a queer because he doesn't drink beer or watch football And all the little girls stay away because he's just too fat A fat little brat I guess we need robots for Ronnie A stainless steel group of chums Robots for Ronnie A boy and a girl Maybe an aluminum cat Every day he's in his room He doesn't lock the door because he knows it's really no use I mean, nobody's even been up there If Ronnie were to blow up, I don't think anyone would care He doesn't brush his teeth because he never talks to no one He doesn't wipe his feet because he's never coming in Comin' in? I guess we need robots for Ronnie A stainless steel group of chums Robots for Ronnie A boy and a girl Maybe an aluminum cat We can t

What if you lost the one you love the most?

Wanderers this morning came by Where did they go Graceful in the morning light To banner fair To follow you softly In the cold mountain air Through the forest Down to your grave Where the birds wait And the tall grasses wave They do not know you anymore Dear shadow alive and well How can the body die You tell me everything Anything true In the town one morning I went Staggering through premonitions of my death I don't see anybody that dear to me Dear shadow alive and well How can the body die You tell me everything Anything true I don't know what I have done I'm turning myself to a demon I don't know what I have done I'm turning myself to a demon

silent as a butterfly

I'm tired... I just wish I could go to sleep and never wake up... People would often ask me, and probably everyone, what are they afraid of. For a long time I really didn't know what to say. Maybe all those basic things, like snakes and heartbreaks, but in the end, everyone's going to get their heart broken and feelings hurt. So I thought, what am I afraid of? And now, I think I finally have an answer. I'm afraid of life. I'm afraid of all the things that could happen, are happening and have happened. Life is... scary. Just think of all the diseases you can get, all kinds of assaults and beatings, never mind all the emotional and mental suffering... It's scary. Life is unpredictable. You can be happy one second and dead the next, and you'll never know how it happened. That's why I would probably give anything if I could stay in my room for the rest of my life and not to face life. I don't want to find out what's going to h

where I've been has faded

this city is just a patient on life support and pain killers