Hear me calling

Song of the day;;

Sun's up we wait
All day
Sun's up we wait
All day all day

The hell outside kept away

If only we could move away
From here

This is how

We build a place
An aviary for today
An aviary for today

Let's disappear till tomorrow

Let's disappear till tomorrow
Dis-a-ppe-ar ar ar ar

Blow up these play parades

Let's go
To an aviary far from home
To an aviary far from home

A one hand clap is me and you

And you and you and you
While the hell outside kept away
If only we moved away


Dis-a-ppe-ar ar ar ar

Last vacation was the same

We got moved away
Last vacation was the same
We got moved away
Last vacation was the same
We got moved away

Sun down now we have built

Our place
An aviary forever
An aviary forever
Forever forever




Today was a good day, I reckon, I'm not sure 'ow I did on my religion exam, but I am very pleased with the results of the other exams. I got a 6 from physics, a 7 from history, a 7+ from maths and a 9- (!!!) from philosophy. So yeah, I'm 'appy with those results. And the exam week is over, finally... December begins next week, I'm starting to get excited.

I have a doctor's appointment next Wednesday, and we're going to talk about my medication (still, not working) and probably change it. Also I think the doctor will tell me about the psychotherapy-thing since we 'aven't really progressed anywhere.


Tämän blogin suosituimmat tekstit

meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold