
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on huhtikuu, 2014.

I'm losing too much sleep these days

Today has been a proper bad day, to say the least. It started off alright, however, but then at some point I started being my (apparently) usual, sulky and moody self who snaps at people with no reason. I mean I hate these bloody days, you don't have to say any more than 'hi' to me and I might be attacking you with 'what the fuck are you doing here you twat get well lost' and all that. Well it's just another bad day among thousands of others like it, so nothing big there. I guess some of it might be because of the new medication, I mean it did say that some side effects might be aggression and anxiety, moodiness probably, I didn't read it dead well but some of it, anyway. I'm feeling a bit more alright now. I always do when I drink tea, probably that's why I love it so much. I'm currently having a cup (the cup is one of my oldest ones, from my childhood, a Disney one, it has Mickey, Donald, Minnie and Goofy in it, it's proper cute in

Look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide

For the first time in a long, long time, I actually feel like it's all going to be sorted. Well, to be honest, in a way I feel it's not but in another way I feel it will, but I guess you'll never know, yeah? I've been a proper mess for quite a while, and I'm well tired of all this crap. It's mad, innit, and I don't know if I can sort it or not, really. I started another medication a few days back because the one I previously had gave me a mingy allergic reaction so that was a no go. I don't know if it'll work, but all I really want it to do is to lift my mood a bit (I've been proper moody lately and apparently I'm dead mad, snapping at people for no apparent reason) and maybe give me more energy. It takes me a lot these days just to get up and do something, even the things I love. Well today I was being well active, I baked a lovely cake and I'm quite happy I did. Also it's not long until the end of school and my birthday, so

I tried to drown my pain away but my pain learned how to swim

How's life been for the lot of you? Remember when I told you about the medication I was supposed to be on? Turns out I'm somewhat allergic to it, yes, you got it right. I got a nasty allergic reaction from it, I got fever and a painful rash on my back. Luckily I have an appointment to whatever-his-name-is and I'm pretty sure we can fix this problem, yeah. On the other hand, I feel useless. As far as I'm concerned I'm going to upper secondary school (or high school, you dim-witted twats), and yeah, it's probably the school I want to go to, just not here. I could've applied to others, but I decided to take the easy route and just go for the one that's closest to me. I don't know if that was such a clever thing to do, but we'll see. So far it has given me a shitload of stress, anxiety and casual desperation, and that's a lot to say since I usually don't get stressed over school and such. And yes, I'm being a pessimistic arse but