
 Song of the day;;

→ Hollow Front - Still Life

I'm sinking, I'm sinking

I don't know what the hell I was thinking

My past mistakes are draped in my shame

I never thought I'd be in my twenties

Hoping desperately to amount to something

Marking down the days will these things ever change?

Or will they stay the same?

So here I am, with my heart in my hands

Searching for the chance to be something more

I fear that it's gone

And I've tried my best to hold on

But I'm slipping now

With no one to catch me

(With no one to catch me)

My heart beats in time

With the sound, with the sound

A ticking clock constantly counting down

I never dreamed I'd be in my twenties

A hole in my chest that left me with nothing

Old memories up in flames

Only myself to blame

Can you remember the day?

When we told ourselves

That we would never be like them

Another spoke on a wheel of bullshit

I promised you

That there was way more to life than this

I swear I tried so hard

Can't believe it's all falling apart

I fought to get this far

Only to fail, only to fail

So here I am, with my heart in my hands

Searching for the chance to be something more

I fear that it's gone

And I've tried my best to hold on

But I'm slipping now

With no one to catch me

I've tried so hard

To feel just like I used to

I'd rather feel this pain

Then nothing at all

I've fought so hard

To try and break the cycle

A failure I'm forced to meet

Each and every day


Suunnitelmien muutos. Menenkin takas kämpille vasta maanantaina. Ei haittaa. Tää biisi muuten kuuluu ehdottomasti kategoriaan 'hits different'.


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meitsin lempijutut, osa 4

Wake me

Out of the cold